I'm finding the daily pace of life a tad busy at the moment, there's a few reasons, bigger house = more house work : ( , a garden rather than just grass = weeding and tiding, two young boys = constant running around like a mentalist, and work on my handmade Christmas has begun! Blogger has also been putting me off blogging too with it's stupid picture uploading. I've been thinking about using Flickr more for blogging, and just using one photo per post to try and make it less time consuming, for now at least. So for now blogging will be a bit intermittent as I try and find the right balance. I have put a link to Facebook on my side bar for those of you that may be interested, and I often upload my photos onto
The Wishing Tree at Nunnington Hall | | | | | | | | | | |
In other news, Dylan turned three in June and Leon has just celebrated his first Birthday. Dylan will be starting Nursery school in September at the local primary school, which we are all very excited about. We had a quick visit and play time there yesterday which he loved. We've also been on quite a few days out, you can see the photos on Flickr if you wish!
Well, thanks for stopping by!